Kai's Blog

Welcome to my blog! I’m very important, which you can tell because I have a website. Here are some of my latest posts:

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My German Passport

The last steps of German naturalization - getting my passport and my reflections on the experience

Students Occupy the University of San Francisco

On Monday, April 29th, students set up tents on the university lawn and are calling for the University of San Francisco to divest from its relationship with the state of Israel

Paula Littauer's Refugee Story

Paula, my great aunt once removed, had her story as a refugee from Berlin documented in her diary. Here is an article she published in the NYTimes, about her story.

Page View Tracking

Anonymous and open page view tracking for kaipeacock.com

Power Strip

Guide for how I built my DIY Power Strip that I can automate and control using Google Home with a Raspberry Pi