Transphobia at Archimedes Banya
One of my safe spaces decided to turn against trans women and I’m pissed.
Welcome to my blog! I’m very important, which you can tell because I have a website. Here are some of my latest posts:
Filter by tagOne of my safe spaces decided to turn against trans women and I’m pissed.
A simple poem
Name and gender change, and more
Some tips and tricks I’ve found using Zoho mail, calendar, and campaigns
A response to that man on the bus last night
An open letter to Democratic leadership in California
I’m afraid
A story of being trans in sports
Introducing path parameters for Motoko Server
The last steps of German naturalization - getting my passport and my reflections on the experience
A small update on my journey to German Citizenship
On Monday, April 29th, students set up tents on the university lawn and are calling for the University of San Francisco to divest from its relationship with the state of Israel
Build a React Native app for the Internet Computer using Expo and Internet Identity
Motoko variants are a powerful way to represent mixed data in a type-safe way.
How to enable dfx pull for your canister and thrill your users with a seamless development experience
How to use pull-enabled canisters in your own project
Produced for Motoko Bootcamp, this guide shows a minimal example of how to add authentication to your frontend and manage updates in a Motoko canister
Http requests are queries by default, but you may need to upgrade to an update in some cases. This example shows how to cache those results so your users can reap the performance benefits!
Quick References for Basic Motoko Syntax
Chronicling my efforts to obtain German Citizenship
Paula, my great aunt once removed, had her story as a refugee from Berlin documented in her diary. Here is an article she published in the NYTimes, about her story.
An intro into end-to-end testing Internet Computer canisters in JavaScript/TypeScript using Vitest
Getting started with IC Development - Hhw the JavaScript Agent works, my recommended workflows, and how to get set up with various tools and environments
Outline for a talk I have presented at ASPLOS 2022 and adapted for Motoko Bootcamp 2022
Some early lessons learned from unit testing a Motoko canister
Anonymous and open page view tracking for
How to interact with a canister using just a candid declaration using dfx or the didc tool directly
Explaining the changes coming to frontend development in dfx 0.7.7
How to take ICP utility tokens and get your first Internet Computer Canister up and running (<5 minutes)
Interested in running a website on a decentralized cloud platform? Follow along as I start from a fresh project and adapt it for the Internet Computer
It’s been a few months since I started at Dfinity, and I have an exciting feature to share with you
Curious about how frontend code works on the Internet Computer? Here’s what I’ve learned after two weeks on the job
Guide on how to replace the battery on an ageing pair of headphones
Filming what it was like on a sunny day on the SF West side
Some thoughts on San Francisco closing JFK Drive during coronavirus
Guide for how I built my DIY Power Strip that I can automate and control using Google Home with a Raspberry Pi